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School Site Council (SSC)

Each school has a School Site Council (SSC) which is a representative group of parents elected by the community members, and staff elected by teachers and classified employees.

The purpose of the School Site Council is to 

1.Develop and adopt the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement.

2.Have ongoing responsibility to review with the principal, teachers and other school personnel, the implementation of the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement. and to assist periodically the effectiveness of the program.

3.Annually review the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement, establish a new school budget consistent with the Education Code, and if necessary, make modifications in the plan to reflect changing improvement needs and priorities.

4.Take other actions as required by the Education Code.

The SSC meets five times a year on Wednesday mornings at 7:45 AM via an online Google Meet or Zoom. SSC meetings are open to any interested community member and the agenda is posted 72 hours prior to the meeting on the school website. Please reach out to Principal Orvick if you are interested in finding out more about the Sedgwick School Site Council.